Members of Wolesi Jirga (Lower House of Parliament) said at their Monday session that the land sale agreement between government and Alokozay Company had been in violation of the law.
MPs rejected the contract involving 143 acres of government land, in Kabul, to Alokozay last winter.
Wolesi Jirga speaker, Abdul Raouf Ibrahimi recently assigned five commissions to investigate the sale of the land and said findings of the commissions show the contract was signed between government and Alokozay Company in violation of the country's law and national interests.
A number of MPs sharply criticized President Ashraf Ghani over the issue.
This has been done in violation of the law and against principals and it is not logical, Qais Hassan, an MP said.
143 acres of land has been given without an auction or bids, Sahira Sharif, another MP said.
Meanwhile, other MPs said the contract was in the interests of the country and that its rejection would be a big loss in investments and economy for the country.
The agreement is not illegal. Cancelling the agreement is oppression against businessmen and investors. Political killings already happened and now you do economic killings, second deputy speaker of parliament, Mohammad Nazir Ahmadzai said.
Parliament members believe the land was sold to Alokozay Company way below market value and without the sale being open to the general public.